In August 2022, the groundbreaking ceremonies for the first 90 Dai Doan Ket houses were organized, particularly 50 houses in Quang Tri and 40 in Kon Tum. The two ceremonies were attended by representatives of Masterise Group and the leaders of provinces, districts, communes, beneficiary households, and local media representatives.
On August 19, the groundbreaking ceremony of Dai Doan Ket houses in Quang Tri took place at Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hoai's family, Tuong Van village, Trieu An commune, Trieu Phong district, and Mr. Ho Van Lan's family, Dong Dong village, Mo commune Oh, Dakrong district. The representative of Masterise Group attending the groundbreaking ceremony in Quang Tri was Ms. Huynh Hong Lan - Communications Director, Masterise Homes®.
The groundbreaking ceremony of Dai Doan Ket house in Kon Tum at the family of Ms. Y Siu, Dak Duong village, Ngoc Wang commune, Dak Ha district on August 19.
The representative of leaders of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front attending the ceremony was Comrade Truong Thi Ngoc Anh - Vice Chairman of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front.
From Masterise Group’s end, there was the presence of Mr. Vo Tri Anh - Deputy Managing Director cum Head of Project, Masterise Homes®.
In July 2022, Masterise Group signed a strategic agreement with the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front to accompany the construction of 400 Dai Doan Ket houses in 9 provinces across the country with a total sponsorship value of VND 20 billion. This activity is the long-term strategic corporate responsibility program "Build A Better Future." The houses are expected to be completed in 2022.